Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Florida in February


We just got back from a family trip to Florida, our first in three years.


Lots of firsts for my girls. First airplane ride, first visit to the beach, first visit to their great-grandparents' condo.


We built some modest sand sculptures.


The weather wasn't very cooperative. We had one sunny day, and although the temperatures were always more pleasant than what we'd experience back home, it was still a bit cool. The natives were wearing winter coats.


Lots of greenery for winter-weary Northerners, however.




And these kids would not be kept from the ocean! Edmund and his cousin loved to jump waves.


My favorite memory was taking Edmund for an early-morning walk to hunt for shells and other beach treasures. The commonest seashells sparked big-time excitement. You can see we found a nice assortment! God's beauty is everywhere.


  1. Hi Laura! I found you! Your blog is beautiful! It was such a joy to meet you and your sweet family on our flight home on Saturday. At first we were disappointed about such a full plane but now I see as always, Gods ways are better! I'm so thankful that you offered me the seat next to you. A divine appointment to be sure! I hope you are getting settled back into your routine with many blessed memories on which to reflect. The Lord is so good! Your photography is beautiful too! Looking forward to exploring your blog more and looking at your etsy shop. May the Lord continue to bless you and your sweet little family!

    1. So glad to hear from you, Donna, and that you are home safe and sound, too. It was certainly a blessing to me to share a row with you! Yes, God is good! I'm so glad we can keep in touch via the Internet, and who knows, maybe the Lord will cause our paths to cross again someday. :)

  2. I love heading South in the winter--even when it is chilly down there, I feel warm! Love the Spanish moss in the background there..!

    And yes, God's beauty is everywhere--and his amazing creative extravagance!!

  3. Hi Laura! Thanks for finding my blog. My mom told me about the nice chat you two had on the way home from Florida. Your blog is lovely and you take beautiful photos. :) Looking forward to reading future posts.

    1. Thanks, Meagan, that's a nice compliment coming from a pro! :)
